The Task of Criticism : Essays on Philosophy, History, and Community
- Paperback: 372 pages
- Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; First Edition edition (September 17, 2005)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0393327337
- ISBN-13: 978-0393327335
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (
The Task of Criticism : Essays on Philosophy, History, and Community
A new chapter in American thought devoted to the authority of critique and the defense of democracy. Erudite and eloquent, John William Miller's writing engages readers with his "earthy" treatment of basic philosophical questions. Designed as an introduction to a compelling historicist philosophy, this volume presents Miller's best and most representative essays in a single, authoritative edition. Miller (1895-1978) taught at Williams College, and he is well known for his extraordinary teaching (described in Masters: Portraits of Great Teachers). He was also a philosopher of the first rank, who arrived at a strikingly original reinterpretation of the history of philosophy and the perennial philosophical problems, especially dualism. Challenging the dogmatism and nihilism that mark so much of recent philosophy, Miller advocated a thoughtful and engaged approach to life? one that revitalizes philosophical activity, embraces history, and joins reflection with participation in a democratic community. The editors have selected twenty-nine essays and have composed succinct introductions to each. Joseph P. Fell has contributed a general introduction that places Miller's thought in context and exhibits the contemporary relevance of his philosophy.
Erudite and eloquent, John William Miller's writing engages readers with his "earthy" treatment of basic philosophical questions. Designed as an introduction to a compelling historicist philosophy, this volume presents Miller's best and most representative essays in a single, authoritative edition. Miller (1895-1978) taught at Williams College, and he is well known for his extraordinary teaching (described in Masters: Portraits of Great Teachers). He was also a philosopher of the first rank, who arrived at a strikingly original reinterpretation of the history of philosophy and the perennial philosophical problems, especially dualism. Challenging the dogmatism and nihilism that mark so much of recent philosophy, Miller advocated a thoughtful and engaged approach to life-one that revitalizes philosophical activity, embraces history, and joins reflection with participation in a democratic community. The editors have selected twenty-nine essays and have composed succinct introductions to each. Joseph P. Fell has contributed a general introduction that places Miller's thought in context and exhibits the contemporary relevance of his philosophy.
Vincent Colapietro is professor of philosophy at Pennsylvania State University and author of The Fateful Shapes of Human Freedom: John William Miller and the Crises of Modernity.
Joseph P. Fell is J. H. Harris Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Bucknell University and editor of The Philosophy of John William Miller.
Michael J. McGandy is an independent scholar.
John William Miller (1895-1978) taught at Williams College, and he is well known for his extraordinary teaching (described in Masters: Portraits of Great Teachers).
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