The Descartes Dictionary (Bloomsbury Philosophy Dictionaries)
- Series: Bloomsbury Philosophy Dictionaries
- Paperback: 144 pages
- Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Academic (March 26, 2015)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1472510100
- ISBN-13: 978-1472510105
- Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches
The Descartes Dictionary (Bloomsbury Philosophy Dictionaries)
The Descartes Dictionary is an accessible guide to the world of the seventeenth-century philosopher René Descartes. Meticulously researched and extensively cross-referenced, this unique book covers all his major works, ideas and influences, and provides a firm grounding in the central themes of Descartes' thought.
The introduction provides a biographical sketch, a brief account of Descartes' philosophical works, and a summary of the current state of Cartesian studies, discussing trends in research over the past four decades. The A-Z entries include clear definitions of the key terms used in Descartes' writings and detailed synopses of his works. Also included are entries noting philosophical influences, of both figures that influenced Descartes and those that he in turn influenced.
For anyone reading or studying Descartes, rationalism, or modern philosophy more generally, this original resource provides a wealth of useful information, analysis, and criticism. Including clear explanations of often complex terminology,The Descartes Dictionary covers everything that is essential to a sound understanding of Descartes' philosophy.
"The Descartes Dictionary "is a well-conceived resource for undergraduate students, particularly those writing on Descartes for the first time. It helps to relate philosophical issues to the systematic context, and directs the reader to the appropriate range of texts. It is also valuable for the carefully chosen references to secondary literature.
In straightforward and non-technical language, Smith discusses Descartes' major terms, concepts, and interlocutors. An indispensable companion for students engaging with Descartes' philosophical system for the first time.
Smith offers this dictionary of terminology from the major works and correspondence of Rene Descartes Smith's explanations are lucid and incorporate helpful examples to illustrate some of the more difficult concepts for novice readers of Descartes. Smith nevertheless engages in some significant hermeneutical work here that will be of interest to more-advanced students. Many entries refer readers to helpful secondary-source materials included in the bibliography this is a helpful reference work. Summing Up: Recommended. Undergraduates and graduate students. --D. A. Forbes, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, "CHOICE"
provides the reader with a comprehensive picture of Descartes thought. All the main disciplines that Descartes considered important and dealt with (metaphysics, physics, mechanics, medicine, and morals) are touched on in this overall presentation of his views Kurt Smith s Descartes Dictionary is a good resource for students coming to Descartes writings for the first time. -Andreea Mihali, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Philosophy in Review""
"Smith offers this dictionary of terminology from the major works and correspondence of Rene Descartes ... Smith's explanations are lucid and incorporate helpful examples to illustrate some of the more difficult concepts for novice readers of Descartes. Smith nevertheless engages in some significant hermeneutical work here that will be of interest to more-advanced students. Many entries refer readers to helpful secondary-source materials included in the bibliography ... this is a helpful reference work. Summing Up: Recommended. Undergraduates and graduate students." --D. A. Forbes, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, CHOICE
..". provides the reader with a comprehensive picture of Descartes' thought. All the main disciplines that Descartes considered important and dealt with (metaphysics, physics, mechanics, medicine, and morals) are touched on in this overall presentation of his views ... Kurt Smith's Descartes Dictionary is a good resource for students coming to Descartes' writings for the first time." -Andreea Mihali, Wilfrid Laurier University, Philosophy in Review
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