The Art of Creative Thinking: How to be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas
- Hardcover: 144 pages
- Publisher: Kogan Page; 1 edition (3 May 2007)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0749447990
- ISBN-13: 978-0749447991
- Product Dimensions: 14.8 x 2.1 x 21.9 cm
The Art of Creative Thinking: How to be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas
The importance of creative thinking cannot be overemphasized. Developing the ability to come up with new ideas can help businesses gain a competitive advantage over their rivals and can also be rewarding for the individual. The Art of Creative Thinking shows you practical ways to become a more creative thinker.
Each succinct chapter is built around one core idea, which is then developed and illustrated. The Art of Creative Thinking shows you how to:
• Develop your understanding of the creative process
• Overcome barriers to creating new ideas
• Broaden your vision
• Build on new ideas
• Develop a creative attitude
• Become more confident as a creative thinker
"The Art of Creative Thinking provides clear, practical guidelines for developing the reader's powers as a creative thinker." Voluntary Sector Magazine "The Art of Creative Thinking is an interesting and highly readable book." Management today "Will excite every intelligent reader and is thought-provoking and well-written." Professional Manager "This book will excite every intelligent reader and is both thought-provoking and well written." Professional Manager, Nov 2007 "This book is stimulating, enjoyable and instructive" Business Executive - August 2009
Book Description
Companion to Leadership for Innovation focusing on creative thinking at the individual level
Shows readers practical ways to develop creative thinking skills
End of chapter key points summarize the important elements discussed
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Bước 4: Điền các thông tin của bạn để nhận đơn hàng, lựa chọn hình thức thanh toán và vận chuyển cho đơn hàng của mình
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Trân trọng cảm ơn.