Sách Khai Minh - Phụng Sự Nhân Sinh

 The Legacy Of Hồ Chí Minh - Uncle Hồ: The Name That Illuminates Việt Nam's Beauty

280.000₫ 350.000₫
Tình trạng: Còn 300 sản phẩm có sẵn.

Tác giả: Nhiều Tác Giả

Dịch giả: An Nhiên, John Maher

Ngày xuất bản: 03 - 2025

Kích thước: 24 x 29 cm

Nhà xuất bản: NXB Trẻ

Hình thức bìa: Bìa mềm

Số trang:...

0971 998 312

 The Legacy Of Hồ Chí Minh - Uncle Hồ: The Name That Illuminates Việt Nam's Beauty

On 5 June 1911, a young Vietnamese patriot named Nguyễn Tất Thành departed from Saigon Port on the Amiral Latouche Tréville, beginning a journey which would follow a path to national salvation. This day continues to stand as a pivotal moment in Vietnam's history, laying the foundations for the eventual victory of Vietnam’s revolution.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Vietnam was under colonial rule. Vietnamese patriots, motivated by the belief that 'every man has a duty when the nation is in peril,' sought to liberate their country, to regain her independence and freedom. Contemporary revolutionary movements had all ended in failure, leaving the nation in a political deadlock.

Nguyễn Tất Thành, a young man from Nghệ An, decided not to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors, steering himself in a new direction. In an interview with an American journalist, he later explained, 'The Vietnamese people, including my own father, often wondered who would help them escape from French domination... I realized I had to go abroad to see for myself. After observing how they did it, I would return to help my compatriots.'

Nguyễn Ái Quốc discovered the key to his nation's liberation within Lenin's Thesis on the National and Colonial Questions. Crying from happiness, he proclaimed, 'My suffering countrymen, this is our answer, this is the path to liberation.' His ideology, evolving from early century nationalism to present day communism has led the Vietnamese revolution for almost a century.

President Hồ Chí Minh devoted his life to leading Việt Nam towards independence, reunification and socialism. He is Việt Nam's greatest symbol - 'The name Hồ Chí Minh resounds in the beauty of Việt Nam.'
in 2011, to mark the centenary of President Hồ Chí Minh's departure from Việt Nam to seek a path to national salvation, Trẻ Publishing House and the Hồ Chí Minh Museum, Ho Chi Minh City Branch, jointly published The Name Hồ Chí Minh Resounds in the Beauty of Việt Nam. Ten years later, the book was renewed with a revised structure and included photos. Featuring over 150 photographs and documents arranged chronologically, the book offers readers a vibrant portrayal of the life and revolutionary activities of our beloved Uncle Hồ, the heroic liberator of the Vietnamese nation, and an important world cultural figure.

We are honoured to present this book to our readers.

Sách ảnh và tư liệu về cuộc đời và sự nghiệp của Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh. Sách được trình bày theo bố cục biên niên, với nhiều hình ảnh và tư liệu minh họa cho cuộc đời và sự nghiệp của Bác. Cách tiếp cận hiện đại nên hấp dẫn và gần gũi, dễ đọc.

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Trân trọng cảm ơn.
